MotoShippers originally began business under the name “Huntington Beach Hauling.” In those early days we were based out of Huntington Beach, California. We were a young company desperate for money and had not established ourselves in this industry so we literally hauled anything – anywhere. This meant many long days with trailers full of everything under the sun, including dressers, mirrors, cars, motorcycles, stuffed alligators, paintings, appliances, tractors, etc. As you can imagine, this provided plenty of challenges. Sometimes we made money, sometimes we didn’t. This business model desperately needed an adjustment!
Luckily, over the course of a couple of years we have established a great reputation, as well as grown our team and customer base so that we can refine our work to what we truly enjoy – things with wheels or engines! This is where the new name of MotoShippers was born. We still provide the same excellent customer service, on-time deliveries, and outstanding product care at very reasonable prices as we have since the beginning, but now we focus solely on things with wheels or engines.

We are a United States Department of Transportation licensed and compliant company that operates with $1,000,000 liability and $150,000 cargo insurance.
We book and ship your item ourselves, we are not a broker. This means that your item will not be handled by multiple parties and your price will never change once it’s booked.
Our team of drivers can be found every single day of the year out on the roadways of North America transporting trailers full of customer goods. We look forward to helping you with your next shipment as well!